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NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth
Donate to support emergency kits for Michigan children in foster care.
NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth
NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth
Donate to help us help children in foster care and prevent youth trafficking and suicide.
NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth

About NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth

You can make a difference by donating today to NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth.

NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth, founded by the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, is dedicated to improving the physical and mental health of vulnerable infants, children, adolescents and young adults. Currently, we support three initiatives, the Alliance for Children in Trafficking, the Alliance to Prevent Youth Suicide and the Alliance for Children in Foster Care.

Children who are, or have been, in foster care are seven times more likely to have anxiety and 5x more likely to have depression, and 50 percent of kids in foster care drop out of high school. Statistics show that 50-90 percent of child sex trafficking victims have a history of placement in the foster care system. We plan to create specialized training to care for children in the foster system and advance legislation to protect this vulnerable population.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among adolescents 15 to 19 years old. It affects young people from all socio-economic and racial groups. There is an identified need for more experiential training of health care providers and more effective use of nurses at all levels of training. Our goal is to support health care providers’ understanding of risk factors and appropriate techniques for interview and assessment.

Our volunteer champion experts are working hard to help us develop programs and services to train health care providers to better meet these children's needs.

Your donation will provide the funding we need to ensure their efforts succeed. Thank you in advance for your support!




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