Support Foster Care Kits in Michigan



Donate to support emergency kits for Michigan children in foster care.

NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth is proud to partner with NAPNAP's Michigan Chapter to raise money in support of children in foster care. Your donation will be used to purchase supplies for age-appropriate kits to aid families of incoming foster children in emergency situations. 

  • $75 donation =  one toddler, child or teenager kit
  • $100 donation = one infant kit including two cans of formula
Infant Kits Toddler Kits Child Kits Teenager Kits
2 cans of formula Diapers (2 sizes) Hair brush Hair brush
Diapers (2 sizes) Toothbrush & toothpaste Toothbrush & toothpaste Toothbrush & toothpaste
Onesie Onesie Pajamas Socks
Sealed pacifier Hair brush Socks Pajamas
Bottle Stuffed animal Stuffed animal Pop-it (for anxiety)


Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible