Let's help restore Paramount Ranch!
When the fire destroyed the Western Town film set it was such a sad time for all of us, but let's not leave it like this! Let's help rebuild the film set so that the area can once again welcome film crews and visitors alike! Visitors will be able to learn about the ranch's history and perhaps that will inspire them to watch Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and other shows that have filmed there in the past.
Fun Events!
To make it more fun for Dr. Quinn fans, we will be having some fun events. Our first event was a drawing for fans who donated by April 30, 2021, and ten prizes were given away! Next, we had two auctions for a custom drawing by Dominika Telecka-Gadek, with the drawings going to the highest bidder.
Currently, we are offering a $5 challenge: Everyone who donates $5 or more by June 17 will be entered into a drawing for a photo of Dr. Quinn & Sully autographed by Jane Seymour!

Project Supporters:
In February 2021, Jane Seymour and Joe Lando appeared at a fundraiser for this project wearing parts of their costumes to lend their support. Let's join them!

"I know that, like me, you're all anxious to see the Paramount Ranch town rebuilt. While it is taking longer than we would hope, planning is definitely moving along. There is still a need for funding. If you'd like to help, please consider joining me in contributing to this DQ fans organized fundraiser. Every little bit helps!"
-- Don Bitz, Paramount Ranch Historian
"Paramount Ranch was such an important part of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, the cast and the fans. In order to see the Ranch come alive again, please consider contributing to the DQ Fans fundraiser."
-- Rhonda Caillet, Group Admin for DQ and Friends
"Please consider donating to this amazing fundraiser so that Paramount Ranch and the town that us DQ fans know as Colorado Springs can come back to life."
-- Angie Oetjen, Group Admin for Dr. Quinn Fans and Hank’s Hussies
"The last time I visited Paramount Ranch, I was with a group of fans from all over the world! It's touching to know how the Ranch has made such an international impact! We were in different age groups and spoke different languages but we all had one thing in common- Paramount Ranch. It was our magical place and filled with wonderful memories. It is an honor to be involved with this fundraiser and it would be incredible to see the Ranch returned to its glory."
-- Sharon Peltz, Founder and Administrator, Jane Seymour International
"I am so excited to see that plans are underway and I'm really looking forward to the day when this is done!"
-- Lori Heretothere, Group Admin for Joe Lando Friends
"It is hard to imagine Dr. Quinn without the Paramount Ranch. Though the show is gone, the memories and friendships that resulted have lasted. It even inspired me to write dozens of fan fiction stories to continue the world of Michaela and Sully. The Paramount Ranch was a television treasure. In my two visits, I could almost feel its history come alive! I encourage fans to contribute what they can, in order to restore the Paramount Ranch to its previous Western town condition."
-- Debby Kennedy, Long Time Fan
"We were able to visit the Paramount Ranch many times and we shared wonderful moments there making fun videos. Being there was such an amazing feeling so we named it "The magical place!" We really hope a lot of people will be able to enjoy this place again and have a lot of fun as we had. One of our dreams is to see it rebuilt as soon as possible; join us in this DQ fans fundraiser."
-- Sophie Raineri & Laurent Perdoux, Fans from France (The Lucky Team)
Project Details:
Santa Monica Mountians Fund is aiming to raise 2 million dollars to support the restoration of Paramount Ranch after its destruction in the Woolsey Fire of 2018. All donations go directly to the Fund, the official non-profit supporting the National Park Service in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. They are a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation and all donations are tax deductible in the US.

Why Should we Restore the Ranch?
- To continue as a place where filmmaking can continue for another 100 years
- To continue to tell the story of filmmaking in the only National Park Service site that does so
- As the most visited place in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, it's important that this place continues to survive
- The Ranch is the backdrop to an area of beautiful gentle trails in the mountains
What will the Ranch look like?
The National Park Service will replace the buildings dating from the historic period of the ranch. SAMO Fund's contribution will pay for reconstruction of the movie sets that complete the streetscape.

For even more info, take a look at the YouTube video -- and keep an eye out for the Dr. Quinn clip!