Fundraising Goal
Santa Monica Mountians Fund is aiming to raise $2m to support the restoration of Paramount Ranch following the destruction of its historic structures in the 2018 Woolsey Fire. Our first milestone is $500,000. As each of these dollars will be matched 1:1 by the federal government, this will bring in $1m specifically for the construction of one of the four buildings to be rebuilt.
To date, SAMO Fund has raised $280,000 for the Paramount Project from multiple sources. So, thanks to all of you, we're over half way to our first milestone!
November 2018:
The Woolsey Fire destroys historic structures at Paramount Ranch.

What is Paramount Ranch?
A historic, near century-old movie backlot situated within the boundaries of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. It has been the location for many types of movie productions over the last 100 years – horror, westerns, international dramas, comedies, music videos, adverts and more.
From 1927 to 1943 the site was owned by Paramount Studios who built a number of flexible, simple buildings used as backdrops to so many movies. These were the Ranch’s historic structures.
Since 1980, this beautiful place has been owned by the National Park Service. And movie-making here continues to this day. It has also been used for community and private events such as the Topanga Banjo Fiddle Festival , movie nights and weddings for many years.
The National Park Service will rebuild four of the historic structures that were destroyed in a project worth $12M.
The project includes replacing infrastructure such as water and electricity as well as improving the parking lot.
The new buildings are being designed to meet Extreme Fire Hazard conditions as defined in the 2018 International Wildland Urban Interface Code. Features include:
Resilient fire-resistant class A metal roofs.
Cement board and corrugated metal siding.
Durable concrete floors.
Rated exterior doors and windows per IWUIC 504.8 & IBC, Tables 716.5 and 716.6
Fire Suppression System Requires Alarms, Sprinklers, and Hydrants.
None of the destroyed buildings met these codes.
An NPS building completed in 2018 and built to new fire resistance codes survived the Woolsey Fire unscathed. A 1940s structure less than 50 feet away from the new building was destroyed.
The rebuilt Paramount Ranch will be a place for creativity, imagination and new traditions as inspired by this stunning, natural landscape set within the boundaries of the largest urban national park in the country.
We look forward to seeing children learning about California's movie history, nature, wildlife and native plants.
We will see families hiking in these beautiful hills; and horseback riders enjoying the evening glow of a golden sunset in this sheltered valley.
And we'll see people of all backgrounds creating their own stories to share with generations to come.
We are grateful to The National Park Foundation, The Malibu Foundation, The Capital Group Foundation, The City of Agoura Hills, The Lake Avenue Group at Morgan Stanley, Music in Motion and the private donors who have already contributed to the Paramount Project.
Their support is helping celebrate two of America’s greatest iconic exports to the world: Movies and National Parks!
Will you join them and help make this project a reality?