Family Day is WAYA’s biggest annual fundraiser and as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we depend on these funds to continue programs like youth sport leagues, preschool, camps, and so much more!
Can we count on you to become a sponsor and celebrate with us at WAYA’s 2025 Family Day on Friday, April 11th?

Wesley Joseph • Linsey Nixon
Jessica Pieratt • Katie Romano

Thank you to our 2025 Family Day Sponsors!
Presenting ($25,000)
- Dell Children's Medical Center
Diamond ($20,000)
Ruby ($15,000)
Sapphire ($10,000)
Platinum ($5,000)
- The Alissa Family
- BKCW Insurance
- The Block Family
Sarah & Jake Gilbreath
- H-E-B
- The Herman Family
- The Reaud Family
- The Richardson Family
Gold ($2,500)
- 1900 Wealth Management
- Alphagraphics
- Benchmark Bank
- Big Brand Tire and Service
- Laura & Peter Cesaro
- Marjann and Michael Cooper
- Kate and Zach Crane
- Dulce Vida Tequila
- Shaun and Wes Dickerson
- The Edmonds Family
- Fall Y'all Concierge Porch Decor
The Fisk Family
- Katherine & Jody Goehring
- The Hotze Family
Joseph Companies
- Michele and Stephen Karp
Jill & J.R. Kraft
Gaye and Patrick Lentz
- Audrey and Jimmy Marsico
- The McDonald Family
The Romano Family
- Snyder Dermatology and Plastic Surgery
- Jennifer & Rusty Stein
- The Strama Family
Kellie & James Weir
- Michelle & Thomas Zentner
Silver ($1,500)
- The Bratton Firm P.C.
- The DeKinder Family
- Door to Door Flooring
Fox Family
- The Henderson Family
- The Maebius Family
- Melissa and Greg Morrow
- Seymour Realty Group
- The Tice Family
- Tiff's Treats
Bronze ($1,000)
- Adair Family
- Melanie and Laurens Fish
- Susie & Dickie Hile
Sammie and Susan Joseph
- The Norris Family
- Scotty and Julie Sayers
- The Taraba Family
Patron ($500)
- Whitney and Parker Abblitt
- The Barnes Family
- The Bonilla Family
- Kate and Zach Crane
- Cowan & Associates, PLLC
- Kristen and Brian Dillavou
- Lucy and Ryan Dobratz
- Lane and Eric Green
- Chad and Eleanor Hallmark
- The Hilliard Family
- The Kelly Family
- Laura & John Malnar
- Jennifer and Jimmy Murchison
- The Nabors Family
- Nalle Family
- Rea and Bill Netherton
- The Ohlendorf Family
- Laurie Pompa and Tyron Stading
- Brynn Robbins and Family
- Jen & Peter Ruggero
- The Scheffler Family
- Courtney and Erik Schlegel
- The Shah Family
- Jeff and Carly Sills
- Sullie and Mason Stephens
The Tipton Family
- The Totten Family
- Brent and Susan Waters
Catherine and Scott Worley
- The Zandan Family