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Sat, February 15, 2025
2:00 PM ET


Tai Chi at the Swope

Participants will be able to Understand the basic principles of Tai Chi movement.
Perform the basics of Tai Chi, including a proper stance, relaxation, balance, and mindful walking.

Outline of the Workshop
Tai Chi Warm Up sequence: Neck, Shoulder,Spine, Torso, Hips, Knees
Tai Chi Six Forms:
Opening form
Ward of
Press & Push
Single Whip
Weaving the cloud

Saturday, Feb. 15th at 2pm. Taught by Myung-Ah Lee


Myung-Ah Lee is a certified Tai Chi instructor, earning her certification in 2017 from Grand Master William C.C. Chen in New York. She has taught Tai Chi for college students, and facilitated numerous Tai Chi workshops for community members, and educators. She received her Ph.D. in Physical Education Teacher Education from Ohio State University and has been a faculty member at Indiana State University since 2004.


Free Free Workshop


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Swope Art Museum Fred Nation membership@swope.org Terre Haute, IN 812-238-1676 http://swope.org