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Mon, August 02 5:00 PM ET
TO Sat, August 14 5:00 PM ET

NiSHA's Dog Days of Summer Online Auction

Auction now live until Saturday, August 14 at 5PM!
$38,361 Goal $40,000
96% Complete

Don’t miss your chance to bid on fabulous auction packages such as a private dinner party at your home curated by Handy & Dallaire Events and catered by The Nantucket Catering Company, original artwork by actor Greg Vrotsos, a long weekend at the Four Seasons Residences in Chicago, a private backyard movie night, and much more.


Auction will go live on Monday, August 2, 2021 and end on Saturday, August 14 at 5pm. If you have attended or registered for one of Dog Days Events, you have automatically been registered for our auction. You can sign in using the blue "Already Registered" button with you email or phone number to participate. Registration is FREE.


We will be in touch once the auction has closed regarding pickup or drop off instructions for your items. 


Thank you for supporting NiSHA!!


Free Auction Registration


Make an impact for animals! NiSHA is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization, and we rely on donations to run our programs for pets and people. Your donations are tax deductible.


Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible
Background photo by Anusha Barwa / Unsplash