$825 raised



The Great Getaway CHRISTMAS ?? ?? fundraiser


For 5 amazing days in the summer, Lexi and I get away to Camp Faholo in Grasslake, Michigan. It is the "most incredible" week of the summer! She plays games, rides horses, constant playdates with Jesus and her friends. All the kids get a "one on one  caregiver((really they are ANGELS) for the week and all the children are so deeply loved.! 
We, the parents, get spiritually fed, make new friends,and come home "on top of the work"! Lexi and I are so blessed to be a part of Woodside's Bible Special Needs Ministry and Hurdling Handicaps . 
This fundraiser helps with camp and helps with registration fees . 
Thank you in advance and Meery Christmas 🎅 to all  


Lexi and Christine 



Team Organizer
Christine Spencer