Supporting those who cannot do for themselves is the cornerstone of HAND (Human Assistance for Necessary Development) International. Your sponsorship means at least one child will have the chance to go to school, get basic health care, protection and a brighter future. Without many people like you, these necessities would have been impossible to accomplish in the lives of these precious children.
Your Membership can help:
- Supporting a child and protecting his/her rights
- Ending modern day child slavery
- Make it possible for a child to go to school
- Make it possible for a child to learn something new or a an adolescent to learn a trade
- Following his/her progress by receiving an annual of his/her performance in school and the status and general advancement of the program.
- Having the ability to visit the child, his/her family and community and become aware of the real impact of the program and the related satisfaction to be part of it.
- and so much more…
In return, you will enjoy great benefits for you and your business. For example, in all the YEARLY membership packages, you will have access to top SEO blog/article content writen for you for your site or business. Content is king when it comes to marketing and GOOGLE loves it. Blog post can get your business seen by thousands and help you generate income for your business or promote your services or yourself. Furthermore, from time to time we have great items like: watches, jewelry, shoes, clothing all designers and vacation packages that are given to us to help us raise money by auctioning them. You will exclusive access to such items.
Together, we can help change and save the lives of so many underprivileged children desperately in need of our help. We must help them! We would love to have you as a partner and please help us spread the word to have more partners like you.