Ways You Can Engage

Downtown San Diego Partnership
Working to Reduce Homelessness & Improve the Quality of Life for Our Community.
$6,924raised 46 % of goal
46% Complete
Downtown San Diego Partnership
Downtown Dreamin': Spaces Reimagined, our signature fundraising event transforming Downtown spaces into an immersive outdoor experience of creativity and community.
Thu, November 14 3:30 PM PT
to Thu, November 14 8:00 PM PT
Help support the Downtown Partnership's Public Spaces Foundation and its efforts to improve the public realm through thoughtful and innovative investment.
Downtown San Diego Partnership
Help us connect San Diego Bay to Balboa Park and Downtown with a 1.7 mile walking experience.
Downtown San Diego Partnership
Help keep it beautiful.
Downtown San Diego Partnership
Help us replace missing street trees in Downtown San Diego neighborhoods.


Downtown San Diego Partnership Downtown San Diego Partnership accounting@improvedtsd.org San Diego, CA (619) 234-0201 https://downtownsandiego.org