Once a year, we select a book that we think the entire community could benefit from reading. The challenge is to recruit people within your personal network to participate in a meaningful conversation about the Disability community while also increasing your own personal knowledge. Once completing Everything No One Tells You About Parenting A Disabled Child, we think you'll tell your family, friends, therapists, teachers, and allies that "You Gotta Read This!" We see the potential impact of this community-wide initiative helping to increase awareness, acceptance, accessibility, and compassion for children in therapy and their families.
Plus, everyone is invited to attend the free, LIVE discussion with this year's author, Kelley Coleman on Monday, Oct. 7th from 7:00-8:00pm. Signing up with this registration form helps us plan accordingly for our simultaneous in-person and online options. For professionals, this discussion has been approved for 1 hour of Early Intervention Continuing Education Credit.

Kelley Coleman is a feature film development executive turned author and advocate for parent caregivers and individuals with disabilities. Her book Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child: Your Guide to the Essential Systems, Services, and Supports draws upon over a decade of experience, including her own experience parenting a child with multiple disabilities. Kelley lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two boys, and her son’s trusty service dog.