YOU are invited to invest in the lives of refugees. Give towards helping us continue putting God's love into action and helping refugees stabilize, integrate, and thrive in the United States. We are called to love our neighbor and treat the foreigner as a citizen - Love in action means sharing the resources that God has given you. We need your support!
Remember: 'Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.' It's important to give willingly and from the heart, not reluctantly or under pressure, for God loves a cheerful giver. Additionally, God has the ability to bless you abundantly so that you may have all that you need and be able to extend goodness to others at all times.
Javed Morsali, a recent arrival in the U.S., is a refugee with a Special Immigrant Visa. In Afghanistan, he worked as a driver, providing interpretation services and transporting supplies for the U.S. army to and from the base camp in Herat. Following the Taliban's takeover of his village, Javed fled to Pakistan with his wife and four children. Presently, Javed and his family are residing in a Santa Ana motel, facing limited access to food and transportation. The room they are staying in has no kitchen or even a dining table to share a meal. The family recently participated in our Thanksgiving Table event, where they relished a seated dinner and experienced a heartwarming fellowship with our dedicated staff and volunteers. Their gratitude overflowed as they regarded this meal as a highlight of their entire year, cherishing the warmth and connection shared amidst the gathering.
VOR is currently providing assistance by supplying food, hygiene items, and facilitating transportation to social services and VOR offices. However, they require further support, such as a laptop to seek job opportunities and help with rent. Additionally, Javed's wife aims to learn English, enabling her to assist her children with schoolwork and pursue employment in the future. Your contribution will play a pivotal role in stabilizing Javed's family during this challenging transition.