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Fri, November 13 8:00 AM ET
to Sun, November 15 8:00 PM ET
$11,211 raised

This annual fundraiser directly supports our mission to connect residents to the habitats of coastal Georgia and empower them to be stewards of thier natural environment. The funds specifically support our ability to educate target audiences about native habitats. Provide tools to empower ecologically base decision-making. And foster a culture that values biodiversity. 




The Indigo Snake  |   The Spotted Turtle   |    The Spartina       |        The Pitcher Plant


     Anonymous       |   Annette Wheeler      |   Michael Nyenhuis   |    Florabundance Gardens

                                                                                                                               Leslie Graitcer

                                                                                                                               Laura Evans

                                                                                                                               Judi Fergus

                                                                                                                              Emily Ellison

                                                                                                                              Christa Hayes

                                                                                                                              Royce Hayes




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Giving Levels

$5,000 The Oystercatcher

Sponsorship at this level supports our Annual Symposium.

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$2,000 The Indigo Snake

Sponsorship at this level supports our Annual Oyster Roast.

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$1,000 The Spotted Turtle

Sponsorship at this level supports the production of our educational brochures.

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$500 The Spartina

Sponsorship at this level supports our Spring and Fall Plant Sales.

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$100 The Pitcher Plant

Sponsorship at this level supports our educational lectures.

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Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible