The Party Table exists to share the story of Jesus Christ by sharing His story, His love and His Word. The Party Table will teach, mentor, and equip women of all generations to live a life that will make Jesus famous by bringing Him honor and glory. We cannot do this without you! Thank you for your financial donation to this ministry.
Official Tax-Exempt Organization
The Party Table oerates under the fiscal sponsorship of the Women's Nonprofit Alliance, an official 501(c)3 tax-exempt, non-profit parent organization. As an Alliance Partner of the WomensNPA, we are able to accept tax-deductible donations. All online donations will appear on your bank statement as "Women's Nonprofit Alliance”, however, funds are directly credited to our ministry.
Through our partnership with the WomensNPA, we have been accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). The ECFA provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, transparency, fundraising and board governance.