Donate to Swan Songs Portland

Your generous donation helps us fulfill our mission of bringing private end-of-life concerts to the Portland community.

Donate to support Swan Songs Portland's Musical Last Wishes Concerts


Swan Songs creates a sense of connection for individuals near the end of life by gifting them private concerts and supports live music in a community by compensating artists for the concerts.


These intimate "musical last wishes" concerts are held in healthcare facilities or private homes, and are often attended by family, loved ones, and caregivers. Swan Songs maximizes the impact of the concerts by engaging musicians who match each recipient's favorite style of music, songs, or instruments.  From opera to mariachi, bluegrass to the blues, each concert is unique and deeply meaningful for everyone present.


Your generous tax-deductable donation will support our mission to provide these concerts to recipients and compensate the professional musicians who perform.




Swan Songs Portland OR Contact Us Portland, OR 503-908-4646
Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible
Background photo by Lucia Macedo / Unsplash