About StolenYouth

Since its inception, the Not On Our Watch event has raised millions of dollars in funding which has been granted to partner organizations providing critical frontline work with our most vulnerable young people. Even during these challenging times, we were able to-

  • Add 5 advocates around the state who provided 113 youth with one-on-one support and resources

  • Equip 138 youth with job readiness skills

  • Engage 308 youth in sexual exploitation training across Kitsap County

  • Train 240 professionals at the annual 2021 Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Conference, building cross-system collaboration that strengthens expertise among organizations

  • Grow Safe Jobs Collaborative employer partnerships from 19 to 28, including new partners – Starbucks and Seattle Humane Society

  • Remove approximately 1,200 posts, reported 4,200 posts, and de-platformed approximately 21 exploiters on Twitter through Project: SugarFree

  • Provide over $60,000 in small grants from the Ginny Fund giving survivors financial support for education, job training, rent, legal fees and other needs

Our continued impact is made possible by you and your generous support. As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of StolenYouth, we also celebrate every person who stands with us, fighting to put an end to child sex trafficking in our state. We cannot thank you enough for being part of the solution.



StolenYouth Jill MacCorkle jill@stolenyouth.org Seattle, WA 2062712405 https://stolenyouth.org/
Nonprofit Donations Tax Deductible