Campaign is not accepting payments at this time

Stick It With Love
$620 raised of $500 goal
128% Complete

Hello, my name is Brooke Braun and I am a teen advocate for CC4C! Stick It With Love is a sticker company labeled with the children of CC4C's mottos and fun designs. This company is helping support CC4C's mission of providing mental and finacial support aswell as creating unforgettable experiences for children and families.         



CC4C's mission is to enhance the quality of life for children in Texas with rare and undiagnosed conditions. All funds raised will support financial assistance, mental health and well-being, and programs for all CC4C families. These mottos on the stickers are sayings that the children of CC4C chose and what they live by.  I would be so grateful if you chose to support me in addition to supporting these familes. Donations are also greatly appreciated!

You can choose from these sayings: 

- Take it easy

- Just keep swimming

- Try again

-You can fly higher

-Nothing stops me

-I feel happy

-Nothing is too big, no one is too small

-Love is all you need

-Let your light shine

-Music, art, love


-Work hard play hard

-Never stop fighting

To order click this link-

order form


The last day for orders is December 23rd!


Checks and cash can be mailed to: 11701 Bee Caves Rd, Ste 200, Austin, TX 78738


Team Organizer
CC4C Brooke Braun TX 5129247640