Food available on site from The Red Barn Road Show!!!

Don't Fish? Want to Warm Up? No Problem!! Join us for....

2024 Winners!!

The Fine Print....
Weigh In Station will be at the Belgrade Recreational Center on Great Pond
You must be in line for final weigh-in by 4:00 pm
- The purchase of a ticket puts your name in for a chance to win a raffle item-such as an ultimate ice fishing basket from Jack Traps, custom made ice shack stoves, ice fishing supplies, and other raffle items!
- Hot food and beverages will be available for purchase
- Warming facility with a bathroom at the weigh station!
- Traps for kids will be at the weigh station and will be giving away a free trap to the first 50 kids to arrive at their table by noon day of the derby
- Registration will be at the the Belgrade Recreational Center or online at https://www.betterunite.com/smsauction-2025icefishingderbyatbelgradechain/donate?embedded=true
- Ticket prices will increase to $25 for an adult ticket and $15 for a child ticket for day of event sign ups
- Addition raffle tickets will be sold for $10 per ticket at the registration table
- 50/50 tickets will also be sold at the registartion table
- Maine Pro-Series will be at the event selling their handmade fishing merchandise
END OF DAY CEREMONY: The ceremony will be AT THE BELGRADE RECREATION CENTER ON GREAT POND. Aaron Quintal will be announcing the winners of the derby.
WEIGH STATION LOCATION & TIME: Beside registation/warming building at the Belgrade Recreation Center-Weigh Station open from 5:00 Am to 4:00 PM
Anglers may weigh-in fish throughout the day. Under no circumstance will any fish be weighed after 4:00 p.m. on Saturday,
FEBRUARY 8, 2025 however, if you are in line at 4:00 p.m. your fish will be weighed.
WEIGH-IN UPDATES: Updates will be posted on the Facebook page as they come in with
current weight standings for each division.
We ask that you comply with all derby rules for your safety and enjoyment!
1. All Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Fishing (IF&W) laws APPLY.
a. IF&W Checklist
b. IF&W Fishing Laws
2. All IF&W fishing regulations for Belgrad Chain Lakes (Great Pond, Long Pond, North Pond, East Pond, McGrath Pond, Salmon Lake, and Messalonskee Lake) apply.
7. Use of all legal forms of bait including live baitfish/smelts, artificial lures, and artificial flies are PERMITTED.
8. Prize Eligibility:
a. Only fish caught on Great Pond, Long Pond, North Pond, East Pond, McGrath Pond, Salmon Lake, and Messalonskee Lake) on February 8, 2025 will be eligible for derby prizes.
b. Only registered anglers may weigh-in fish and win prizes; registrations are non-transferable.
c. Fish must be free of debris such as snow, ice, lines, hooks, weights, etc. when entered. Derby officials
reserve the right to inspect the fish prior to weigh-in.
9. Derby officials must witness all weigh-in and measurements of fish for entries to be eligible.
10. Winners for the ice fishing prizes and raffle prizes will be announced at the Belgrade Recreational Center at the close of the derby.
Winners will be posted on the Facebook page.
Winners will also be contacted by phone.
11. Day of Registrations end at 9:00 a.m.
12. In the case of a tie, the fish with the longest length wins
13. The Ice Fishing Derby at Belgrade Chain committee winner determinations are final.
The only reason for cancellation will be for unsafe ice conditions. Please check the Facebook
page prior to the event for updates. Please verify the ice conditions prior to the event and use good judgment. St. Michael School and the Belgrade Recreation Center will be held harmless for any bodily injury, property damage, or loss of property for any reason including but not limited to any consequences of thin ice.
All anglers are responsible for their own safety and knowledge of their surroundings. Please contact the Maine Warden
Service with questions about ice conditions.
Please pick up your trash and all other belongings prior to leaving the area.
Tight Lines!