Exchange: Carpe Mundi's Auction + Un-Gala 2024

Cultural Exchange for a richer social fabric.

$57,948 raised of $55,000 goal
105% Complete
EVENT TIME iCal - Outlook - Google

Fri, October 25, 2024
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM PT

World Forestry Center, Miller Hall
4033 SW Canyon Rd
Portland , OR 97221


$10 Auction Access Only
$20 Sliding Scale Alumni Ticket

This ticket is exclusively for Carpe Mundi Alumni and is offered on a sliding scale, with a minimum price of $20, up to $50. Alumni have the option to adjust the ticket price by adding a donation amount to further support the organization.

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Carpe Mundi's back in for its 13th annual fundraiser and invites you to experience the Great Exchange of Culture and Ideas! 


To your right, you can register to join us for our in-person Un-Gala and have access to our virtual auction. Individual tickets are on sale as are table tickets. Consider buying a table because your table will be your team for the challenge portion of our event. 


The experiences our students participate in are core to our program and facilitate insightful cultural exchange. We will have interactive stations at our event this year along with some of our classic elements such as meeting our students, hearing from alumni, and our silent auction For true exchange we share something of ourselves. This year we wanted to highlight something we all share in common - the Great Pacific Northwest and more specifically PORTLAND in our dress code!


We invite you to dress to represent what Portland or the Pacific Northwest means to you. Feel free to do as little or as much as you like! For example, this could look like your day-to-day outfit, the classic PNW trope of flannel, showing off how you 'keep it weird', or whatever else you imagine! 
For extra credit - bring an item, or add a little piece of flair to your costume that represents another culture of yours.


However, if you don't live in Portland, or are unable to attend, you can still access our auction by buying a ticket for the Auction only. By doing so, you gain access to our virtual auction featuring both international goods collected by students while abroad as well as select domestic goods. 

Our silent auction starts online October 20th and ends on the 25th, the main event is live and in person at the World Forestry Center on October 25th!


Year after year, students share stories of their experiences with cultural exchange and how it has transformed their perspectives and taught from the importance of respecting and valuing differences. Cultural exchange enhances our society, blending diverse traditions, viewpoints, and experiences into a rich and colorful tapestry. Despite potential challenges, creating connections and valuing cultural differences can lead to greater unity and inclusivity.

That's the journey our students go on with another and communities a world away and apart from themselves. They learn the power of exchange and interdependence.


 Over the past thirteen years, Carpe Mundi has worked with 155 low-income, majority first-generation and BIPOC, students to increase access to high-impact opportunities.

this year it feels particularly important to focus on this valuable force for good by higlighting it on october 25th at our atypical gala + auction.


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Tax ID #: 26-2566500

Much  Thanks to our Generous Sponsors:


$58,874 raised of $55,000 goal
105% Complete
EVENT TIME iCal - Outlook - Google

Fri, October 25, 2024
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM PT

World Forestry Center, Miller Hall
4033 SW Canyon Rd
Portland , OR 97221



You don't have to wait till the event to contribute to our efforts! Your donation ahead of time helps us with programming costs that prepare students for scholarship essays, foster team dynamics, and offer mentorship for Fall semester coursework.

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$5,000 1. RAISE THE PADDLE - $5000

The cost of a student's entire overseas experience, including their room and board. 

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$2,500 2. RAISE THE PADDLE - $2500

The cost of trustworthy and personalized mentorship for one student for one year. 

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$1,000 3. RAISE THE PADDLE - $1000

The cost of a ticket to access life-changing experiential education and realize it is possible to break barriers. 

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$500 4. RAISE THE PADDLE - $500

The cost of providing a student with 40 hours of 1-on-1 mental, emotional, and academic support. 

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$250 5. RAISE THE PADDLE - $250

The cost of food and supplies for one year of engaging mentor and mentee meetings. 

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$100 6. RAISE THE PADDLE - $100

The cost of journals and other self-reflection tools that are proven to elevate self-awareness and interpersonal skills. 

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Can't Attend - Donate Here

Can't join the event? You can still support this cause!


Carpe Mundi Carpe Mundi Portland, OR 503.610.2723
Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible