Help Us Grow: Phase II Fundraiser!
$8,978 raised of $10,000 goal
90% Complete

In July 2021, the Austin City Council approved Festival Beach Food Forest (FBFF) proposal to expand the food forest from 2/3rds of an acre to 3.5 acres. We have drafted a landscape design that integrated input from RBJ residents and the wider community. We are proposing an accessible space that will provide more food and medicine for the public. The design will be simultaneously functional and inviting, and provide many community and ecosystem services. Berms and swales will passively collect rain water and support trees. Instructive teaching gardens will provide space to learn and play. An outdoor kitchen, community deck, and education pavilion will serve as an important anchor for transforming our campus into a community resilience hub.


We plan to develop Phase 2 in stages with the he first stage beginning in fall 2023. Phase 2.1, prioritizes planting canopy trees, establishing the barrier berm along Waller Street, installing irrigation, and completing earthworks across the Phase 2 site. 


Our first priority is to complete the irrigation work necessary to address capacity issues in Phase 1 and expand irrigation to the canopy trees and barrier berm in Phase 2. FBFF currently gets its water from the neighboring Festival Beach Community Garden (FBCG). At times, the shared water line has created capacity issues for FBFF. For example, FBCG is about to begin irrigation work, which will require shutting off water for several weeks. This creates an acute problem at FBFF, as we risk loss and damage to our plants without a water source. FBFF is proposing a new water line branching off just after the meter to support FBFF operations and allow us to control the flow of water independent of FBCG. This is a sustainable solution to our water needs and is crucial to preserving our current site and any further development of FBFF.


After irrigation work is done, we will do some earthwork for the Phase 2 site. While the entire site will not be planted as a part of Phase 2.1, completing earthwork for the whole site at one time is the most efficient use of funds. This is relatively low-cost work that will support the planting of trees in Phase 2.1 and future planting of trees and other plants across the full three acres in Phase 2.


Finally, with the support of hundreds of volunteers, FBFF will plant five large canopy trees and establish the barrier berm with trees, shrubs and other plants. This will complete the implementation of Phase 2.1 and increase Austin’s urban forest by adding 65 new trees. These trees will form an ecosystem that will support a growing edible landscape of nuts, fruit and medicine plants in Austin public parks.

Giving Options

$7 Perennial Support

The food forest is full of perennial plants. Perennials grow through different seasons and continue to grow year after year.  As a perennial supporter, you can contribute a small amount that adds up over time. 

For just $7/ month, one year of sustained support at this level will help us buy a tree for the Phase 2.1 Linden Circle!  

Monthly donations help us build capacity and more effectively plan our budget.  At check-out, select the "recurring donation" option.

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$15 Soil

Your $15 contribution will help us buy:

  • a watering pale
  • or a new hand tool
  • or a few new plants
  • or a bag of cover crop seeds
  • and so much more!
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$25 Shrubs

Your $25 contribution will help us get:

  • soil conditioner
  • or seaweed for the soil
  • or guild plants to support the trees
  • or cover crops to help build soil
  • and so much more!
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$50 Subcanopy

Your $50 contribution could help us buy:

  • 1 pear tree 
  • or 3 kidneywood trees
  • or 3 barbados cherry trees
  • or 3 silk tassels
  • and so much more!
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$75 Canopy

A $75 donation can help us purchase a tree for our new native evergreen thicket, which incorporates over 50 trees including: 

  • 10 moutain laurels,
  • or 8 yaupon holly 
  • or 5 evergreen sumac 
  • or 4 wax myrtles
  • or 3 mission olive trees
  • and many more
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$75 Evergreen Support

A monthly $75 donation can help us sustain our ongoing needs for forest maintenance and development. At check out, look for the "recuring payment" option to sign-up for Evergreen Support. 

Your monthly contributions will helps us with:

  • Paying our water bill
  • Irrigation repairs/maintenance
  • Tool replacement: wheelbarrows, gloves, large tools and hand tools
  • Volunteer refreshments on workdays
  • and so much more!
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$150 Forest

A $150 donation will help us purchase:

  • the more expensive trees such as the Loblolly pines, eastern red cedars, or cherry laurels.  
  • or an entire guild of plants including subcanopy trees.
  • 3 yards of compost or mulch
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Other Amount

Don't see a donation level that matches your desired contribution? Choose this option to make a one-time or recurring donation of an amount that feels comfortable to you. We're grateful for your support!

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Festival Beach Food Forest Aly Tharp Austin, TX
Nonprofit Organization Donations Tax Deductible