Just by investing to improve your personal financial and credit education to repair your credit and get out of debt ,my Learn By Doing Books or Credit Repair and Financial Services and Debt Freedom Softwares and Tools, and Courses you are helping me reach my goal on raising some seed money to establish the 1st ever Meta verse VR Learn by doing Econ learning Center financial and tech and business Savvy peerleadership kids teens and adults Day and After school program in my community of waterbury ct.
Support and Sign our ELC petition 2024
For More Info On How to support our ELC PROJECT Continue To Read Below

Funding For A Future Fun Innovation Financial Education For Everyone In my community:
- Access a new investment opportunity that can help our teens
- Invest with passion in a idea that I and everyone believe in
Not alot of money required.
The Econ Learning Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing affordable paid meta verse financial literacy educational courses and resources and tutoring services to students of ages 9 and up in the field of financial literacy. The center has been providing valuable assistance to students for over 2 years, helping them better understand complex fianacial literacy economic concepts and excel in their coursework. However, in order to continue providing these services at a affordable price, the Econ Learning Center is launching a crowdfunding fundraiser.
By crowdfunding, I hope to engage with everyone that can relate and also my community to raise awareness about the importance of a good financial literacy education. With the help of generous donors, the center can continue to make a positive impact on the lives of students ages 9 and up who don't know the importance of Financial literacy .. Donors can contribute to the fundraiser by making a one-time donations or setting up a recurring donations. In return for their support, the Econ Learning Center is offering incentives such as personalized thank you notes, Credit repair and financial advice, affordable Credit Repair and financial services , recognition on their website, and exclusive access to our advance personal financial literacy and credit repair educational resources. With the support of the community, the Econ Learning Center can continue to provide valuable educational resources to students in need and help them achieve academic success in the field of economics. Join the crowdfunding fundraiser today and help make a difference in the lives of students.
I Am Trying to Leverage the power by engaging my local community
to fund my future company idea.
I am looking for local community investors or entrepreneurs to help me raise capital so I can concentrate on what I do best, building My E.con Learning Center Net Cafe' Business.
Econ Learning Center, established on July 19, 2022, in Waterbury and Prospect, Connecticut, is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the financial literacy, fitness education, and technological proficiency of children, teens, and adults. We provide interactive courses that empower our community members to understand money management, maintain physical fitness, and become adept with modern technology. This proposal seeks a grant of $75,000 from the Global Fund for Children to support our business operations, marketing efforts, computer training and software acquisition, utility expenses, VR and fitness equipment, business structural designs, hiring initiatives, and facility rentals.
1. Introduction and Mission Statement
Econ Learning Center was founded by Carlos Anaya with the vision of creating a holistic educational environment where individuals of all ages can learn essential life skills. Our mission is to provide comprehensive education in financial literacy, fitness, and technology through engaging and interactive methodologies. We believe that by equipping our community with these crucial skills, we can foster a generation of informed, healthy, and tech-savvy individuals who can contribute positively to society.