Carpe Mundi's back in for its 12th annual fundraiser and invites you to experience the Hero's Journey!
To your right, you can register to join us for our in-person Un-Gala and have access to our virtual auction. Individual tickets are on sale as are table tickets. Consider buying a table because your table will be your team for the challenge portion of our event.
The experiences our students participate in are core to our program and make the journey powerful. We want everyone to understand how our program creates change in our students so we will have interactive stations at our event this year along with some of our classic elements such as meeting our students, hearing from alumni, and our silent auction.
In addition, this year we're making it a costume party! In-line with our theme of the "Hero's Journey", we encourage you to dress up as your favorite hero, whether that's from a fairy tale, a classic epic, or a modern figure, you decide. That said, please be mindful of cultural appropriation when choosing your costume (want a little help here? Check out this reference to learn more).
However, if you don't live in Portland, or are unable to attend, you can still access our auction by buying a ticket for the Auction only. By doing so, you gain access to our virtual auction featuring both international goods collected by students while abroad as well as select domestic goods.
Our silent auction starts online October 15th and ends on the 20th, the main event is live and in person at the World Forestry Center on October 20th!
From the Odyssey to Star Wars, stories have inspired us to wonder about the possibilities. We learn how powerful it is to go on a journey that promises both adventure and peril. We meet others along the way, navigate challenges, and discover new things about ourselves and the world we live in. The journey doesn't end when we return home, rather it continues and finds a new trajectory.
That's the journey our students go on. They tap into more of their own story and their potential.
Over the past twelve years, Carpe Mundi has worked with 145 low-income, majority first-generation and BIPOC, students to increase access to high-impact opportunities.
join us on Oct 20th to sample what makes this experience so impactful.
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Much Thanks to our Generous Sponsors: