"What I See, I Can Be!" Community Day
Join the Lawyers & Doctors for Community Day!
Thank you for your donation & participation.
We will include your name, business and/or firm name as a donor to the 2024 Community Day and you may set-up a table at the event. You will need TO BRING YOUR OWN 6-foot table and 2 chairs for your area. Please bring a tablecloth, goodies, and signs that fit in your area. This part of the event is to allow students the opportunity to "SEE" business professionals and speak to them.
Please provide that information as you are checking out.
Please forward your logo to the Community Day Chair, Princess Woodard, at pwoodardesq@outlook.com.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your donation & participation.
We will include your name, business and/or firm name as a donor to the 2024 Community Day.
Please provide that information as you are checking out.
Please forward your logo to the Community Day Chair Princess Woodard at pwoodardesq@outlook.com.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your donation & participation.
We will include your name, business and/or firm name as a donor to the 2024 Community Day and you may set-up a table at the event. You WILL BE PROVIDED a 6-foot table and 2 chairs for your area. Please bring a tablecloth, goodies, and signs that fit in your area. This part of the event is to allow students the opportunity to "SEE" business professionals and speak to them.
Please provide that information as you are checking out.
Please forward your logo to the Community Day Chair, Princess Woodard, at pwoodardesq@outlook.com.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your donation and participation.
We will include your name, business as a participant in the 2024 Community Day. You will setup outside the venue on the event day. Please arrive by 10:00 am.
Please forward your logo to the Community Day Chair Princess Woodard at pwoodardesq@outlook.com.
Thank you for your support!