This level of support will assist with costs associated with marketing, merchandise and signage. INCLUDES: recognition via alt_ social media + website
This level of support will assist us with paying speakers, panelists and those leading us in worship. INCLUDES: recognition via alt_ social media + website, weekend signage via digital billboard
This level of support will help us to actualize a fully sustainable event as curate and provide zero to no waste products needed to make minimal impact. We will also allow for vendors to utilize these resources at no additional cost to them. INCLUDES: recognition via alt_ social media + website, weekend signage via digital billboard, plus alt_redemptive plastics merch package
This level of support will assist alt_ and Redemptive Plastics in continuing their work in the Austin area and beyond. INCLUDES: recognition via alt_ social media + website and weekend signage via digital billboard, plus redemptive plastics merch package and opportunity for private curated volunteer event minimum 10 people