2024 Get Out Girl Surf & Paddle Jam
Join Operation Get Out For An All-Female Water Weekend!
SURF Jam Saturday and/or PADDLE Jam Sunday
All levels, beginner to experienced are invited to join the largest all-female surf and paddle event in the US, created to empower and inspire women and girls of all ages through wakesurfing, paddleboarding and kayaking.
All proceeds benefit nature and water wellness programs for female first responders, military and nurses in memory of Kristin McLain & Jessica Hollis through Operation Get Out, a 501c3 nonprofit that provides events, outings and resources that intentionally utilize nature and water for positive mental, emotional and physical wellness impact.
Sign up as an individual or register as part of a team! Register for either Surf Jam Saturday, Paddle Jam Sunday - or both events both days!
When you register and "check out" you will find options to FUNDRAISE and/or Create a TEAM or become part of a TEAM.
Join us to make a difference!
We are asking everyone to do their best to pick up packets Friday! This eliminates long lines on Saturday or Sunday!
Invite your friends, get your packet, and you can enjoy a pint of the special limited-edition OpGetOut Sunshine Citra Ale along with a commemorative pint glass. Live music and fun! (Slackers Brewing Co., 12233 Ranch Road 620 North #240, Austin, TX)
SURF Jam Saturday Sept. 21, 8am - 2pm
This event is for all levels and ages of riders: for those who want to learn the sport of wake surfing and be helped and supported by other women or for those that already have a love of wake surfing and want to share the ride with others. Includes weekend event t-shirt, Centurion professional wakesurf boats, equipment, all-female coaches, post-event food and drinks and admission to Sunday's Weekend After Party!
PADDLE Jam & WEEKEND AFTER PARTY Sunday Sept. 22, 7:30am - 2pm
This is a non-competitive, community event of up to 3.5 supported hours (8:30am - 12pm) on the water where you can paddle 1-10 miles with different options (listed below). Includes weekend event t-shirt, finisher's bracelet, and our exclusive weekend After Party with DJ Coy, food, drinks, Poker Run prizes, raffle, and auction. Family and friends welcome!
2024 "10th Anniversary On The Water Tribute to Jessica Hollis". This year marks 10 years since the tragic loss of Jessica Hollis while she was protecting the Travis County community near the Steiner Ranch area. Please join us Sunday morning as we show honor and tribute to her life and her family.
On The Water Paddle Support! No previous paddle skills are necessary! Your designated Paddle Ambassador will assist, coach, and be with you and your group the entire time to encourage and support you! We will assist with skills and help you feel comfortable whether seated, on your knees, or on your feet - no right, wrong, or judgment! We’re here for fun and community. An ambassador will be on the water to assist the entire time with no specific distance for these groups - just good times together and on the water with group consensus when to float, paddle, go and return.
“Paddle Out” Flowers to drop in memory of someone or something significant! Every paddler will be given a flower to drop when they feel led to do so during their time on the water. Paddle Out's are a surfer's way of remembering, recognizing and/or honoring someone or significant moments in our lives.
Paddle Any Distance! You can paddle as little or as far as you want. Stay close to the start/finish area, go to Mile 1, paddle to the dam and get a shuttle ride back, or go for the full 10 whether on your own energy or get a personal water craft to tow you when needed so you are off the water at the designated 3.5 hour mark.
10 Miles Distance Paddle! Those of you wanting to paddle round trip, a full distance of approximately 10 miles to Mansfield Dam and Jessica Hollis Park, can enjoy a quick mimosa and turn around to return to the starting point by noon. If you’re falling behind, don’t worry - our towboats and personal watercraft are prepared and instructed to help you along so everyone is safe and sound at the finish by noon.
Mimosa Finish! Grab a mimosa and toast with your friends - at either Jessica Hollis Park (5 mile - have a mimosa on your complimentary return boat shuttle home) or back at the Finish Pavillion if you choose the round trip paddle. Either place - it's a great way to celebrate your time on the water.
On The Water Poker Run! Get your five-card draw at any one of the points along the way OR get multiple draws at any one-stop. Prizes at the After Party!
Multiple sponsored Snack Stops at designated mile markers to keep you moving and motivated! Can you say cold brew coffee and more?
Paddle Ambassadors every mile! Our goal is to help individuals enjoy the water - so whether you're a first time paddler or highly experienced, our ambassadors are there to support, encourage and connect with you!
All events are held rain or shine, unless weather is prohibitive. Refunds are not available, as this is a fundraising event. If you have the need to cancel, your registration will be utilized to sponsor a first responder, veteran or nurse into the event.
Hyatt Place Austin / Lake Travis / Four Points, 7300 N FM 620, Austin, TX 78726, (512) 369-3120
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Austin NW - Four Points, 8300 N FM 620 Building I, Austin, TX 78726, (512) 610-5700
Residence Inn by Marriott Austin Lake Travis/River Place, 6608 River Place Blvd, Austin, TX 78730, (512) 735-9300
Both Surf and Paddle Jam are held annually in honor and memory of two amazing, impactful, and fearless women, Travis County First Responders Kristin McLain and Jessica Hollis, both of whom committed their lives to serving others while utilizing the water for their own positive mental and physical wellness impact.
Kristin McLain was a Travis County StarFlight rescue nurse and part of starting our first Get Out Girl Paddle Jam. She was a true Get Out Girl who spent most of her off time paddling, wake surfing, skiing, and boating on Lake Austin to reset and reconnect after tough shifts as a flight nurse.
Jessica Hollis, Travis County Senior Deputy, utilized our local lakes similarly, spending family time on them for fun, scuba diving, boating, surfing, and personally benefiting from the calming effects of what being on and in the water does for your mind and emotions.
Both of these inspiring women shared a common mind and heart of "blue" that is now being passed forward to touch the lives of others on the water.
Their families and friends have come together to start Operation Get Out (OGO), a 501c3 nonprofit foundation that gives back to first responders, military, nurses, front-line workers, veterans, and surviving spouses through scientifically validated nature and Blue Mind experiences and events that give individuals and agencies the opportunity to experience the unlocking and wellness power of being outdoors and/or in, near and on the water. All proceeds and donations from Surf & Paddle Jam weekend provide Operation Get Out (OGO) the resources to assist individuals and agencies experiencing stress, illness, depression, anxiety, loss, and PTS.
"After our event with Operation Get Out, I came home a more complete person, a better mother, and wife. My mind and heart feel freer from the anxiety and stress that I had carried from years of service."
~ U.S. Army National Guard

Social: Tag your photos @getoutgirl @opgetoutorg
Questions? Contact info@operationgetout.org
Friday 9/21 Packet Pick Up, Happy Hour SLACKERS BREWING CO 4-7pm
12233 Ranch Rd 620 N #204, Austin, TX
Please plan to pick up packets Friday to help expedite the morning of both events. Join us at Slackers Bewing Co. for music, OpGetOut Sunshine Citra Ale with commemorative mug and swag available pre-event. Bring your friends and family, have a beer with us and grab a bite! It's kid and pet friendly, too!
Saturday Surf Jam
Steiner Ranch Lake Club, 12300 River Bend, Austin 78732
8:15am Welcome
8:30am National Anthem
8:35am Boat Loading & Surfing Begins
1:15pm Group Photo on the Water
1:30pm Live Music & Lunch Compliments of Cabo Bobs & Pacifico
2:15pm Quick Draw Giveaways & Participant Bracelets
What to Bring for Surf Jam
Refillable Water Bottle and any personal preference snacks
Surfboards and PFD’s are provided, but if you have your own, feel free to bring!
Beach Towel, Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Bug Spray
Dry Clothes
Sunday Paddle Jam
Steiner Ranch Lake Club, 12300 River Bend, Austin 78732
REMINDER: If you have registered for Paddle Jam and do NOT have your own board or kayak, please check your confirmation and make sure you've rented one. If you have not, you can add to your registration account or please contact us.
7am Packet Pick Up for late registrants
7:00-8:00am Personal Board/Kayak Off-Loading assisted by our SUP-port Crew
8am Board/Kayak Launching Begins
8am Flower Pick Up for Paddle Out and Flower Toss. Flowers will be handed to you at all Launching Areas
8:15am Welcome, National Anthem & Moment of Silence
8:30am Paddle Begins
8:45am On The Water Lei's - Pick up as you pass Lake Austin Spa Resort
8:30am - 12pm Paddle Time! Poker Run, On The Water Support and Personal Water Craft Tows Available
10:15 or 2.5 Mile Marker: Halfway Point: All Round Trip Paddlers Turned and Redirected back to Finish Line; one-way paddlers continue to dam (it is 5 miles one way to dam, so you can also turn at 2.5 mile marker if 5 miles is your goal). We want everyone to have plenty of time to return to the finish and enjoy all that is part of the After Event Party!
10:00-11:30am Boat Shuttle from Jessica Hollis Park to Steiner Lake Club. Boards will be transported by land and returned to After Party. If you are paddling your own board, keep your PADDLE WITH YOU and take back to After Party on the shuttle.
10:30-2pm Pacifico After Party with DJ Coy
11:00-1:30pm Raffle & Silent Auction - dozens and dozens of REALLY awesome items! (Raffle - must be present to win!)
11:30-12:30pm Lunch provided by Jim's Smokehouse BBQ
12pm Course Closes, Water Support Ends; Final Paddlers In; Participant Gift Pick Up at Finish
12:30pm Group Photo
1:30pm Poker Run Results, Live Auction
1:45pm Raffle and Silent Auction Closes; Winners Announced
What to Bring for Paddle Jam
Refillable Water Bottle and a way to connect it to your board or kayak
Dry Bag for phone or any personal items you choose to paddle with
If you are BRINGING own paddleboard or kayak: paddle & Type III PFD (life jacket)
If you are RENTING: paddle & PFD are included
Beach Towel, Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Bug Spray
Dry Clothes
Cash, Check or Debit/Credit Card for Raffle, Auction, etc.
Friends & Family for After Party!
Plan to Attend: Sunday After Party
11am - 2pm Steiner Ranch Lake Club
Whether you surf Saturday, paddle Sunday, or join us for both, we invite you, friends and family to come celebrate the weekend at our Pacifico Get Out Girl After Party. We have lots of fun planned, including:
Pacifico Participant Lounge and Cold Beer
DJ Coy
mirmir Photo Booth
Restore Recovery Zone
Tune Up Braid Station offered 6:30-8am and 10:30-1pm
Pacifico Lounge and Yard Games
Centurion Boats Participant Area
Cuvee Espresso Martinis
Kickstand The Mobile Mule Agua Fresca
Jim’s Smokehouse BBQ
Live Auction, Silent Auction & Raffle - all benefiting Operation Get Out
Personal boards will launch off main dock area, all personal and rental kayaks at the boat ramp, and rental paddleboards at the River Bend RV lawn area. Rental paddleboards will be launched by Group Number, so check your wristband! Group 1 launches first at 8am! Private boards will launch alphabetically starting at 8am.
Paddle Out & Flower Toss
This group time on the water is a mystical foundation of the surfing and paddling community. It can be a sacred, outdoor memorial ceremony for introspective reflection. As a social event, it is also a moment for compassion, solidarity, camaraderie, mourning, and self-analysis.
The Paddle Jam Course
The course is an out and back or one way 5.5 mile paddle, allowing paddlers the opportunity to paddle any time or distance of choice, up to 3.5 hours or a maximum distance of 11 miles to Jessica Hollis Park at Mansfield Dam. Buoy markers will be placed at miles 1-5. Lake support with drinks and snacks will be provided until 11:30am. Paddlers should estimate their desired paddle time/distance based on a maximum of 3.5 hours of paddling. However, staying on the water for that amount of time is optional! Feel free to bring it in whenever you’d like or simply float and enjoy the lake, good times and good memories.
Renting Paddle Equipment?
Many thanks to Epic SUP and Peace Paddling for assisting with our rental needs! If you are renting a board or kayak, please park on top of the hill and proceed to check-in. After you check-in, you can go to board/kayak rentals to prepare. Paddles and PFD’s are included with your rental. Your Launching Group Number is written on your wristband - be prepared to launch when your group number is called. Group 1 launches at 8am.
Bringing Your Own Paddle Equipment?
You will have three waterproof stickers in your Event Packet with your name on them. Please adhere one to each: kayak or board, paddle and if you have a paddleboard, please attached the third to your fin. Upon arrival at the event, please proceed to bottom of the hill for our volunteers to help you offload your board and stage your board for you. If your board is inflatable, drop it at Inflation Station and it will magically get inflated by our volunteers. Please keep paddle and personal gear with you.
At 8am we will begin launching personal boards in alphabetical order by last name. Please wait in staging area until the first letter of your last name is called to launch.
If you are paddling one way to Jessica Hollis Park, board handlers will take your board or kayak and have it transported back to the start. PLEASE KEEP YOUR PADDLE WITH YOU. And again, please make sure your name is on your board and fin when you leave it at the park.
On The Water Support
Bring a water bottle for the day! One that will connect to your board and not roll off into the water. We have water and snacks at each mile marker in boats and miles 1 & 2 on docks. Be sure to stop by the Cuvee Coffee dock for a caffeine charge at Mile 2!
Paddle Poker Run by Ski Dock
You will be given a poker run card with your packet - keep it in your dry bag. You will want to stop at water stops and/or designated boats to get your five cards drawn and stamped. NOTE: you can get multiple at any stop! Fun prizes awarded to the top poker hands at the After Party!
On The Water Towing - Personal Water Craft Volunteers
If you wear out and need a tow or may not meet the timelines designated by our course marshalls, boats and PWCs will be equipped to tow you. They will toss you a rope with a handle, get on your belly, and they will tow you up to the group. If a driver informs you they need to tow you up, please remember it is their job to keep the group together, meet time constraints and stay within safety guidelines.
Finish Area
Whether you opt for an out and back, or if you drop your board/kayak at Jessica's Park and return by water shuttle, we will welcome you back at the Finish Line in front of the Steiner Lake Club. Please enter at the main dock and proceed to the tent for your Participant's Bracelet. We hope the bracelet is a constant reminder of the day, the community - and of course, a gentle reminder that, in all you do, "We Wish You Water".
Safe Paddling
Your safety is our number one concern. Please read the information below and paddle by it.
All paddlers are required to wear or have a PFD or lifejacket on board at all times during the paddle. The water is cool; if you wouldn’t be comfortable falling in or swimming, wear your life jacket!
If you are under 13 years of age, state law requires you to wear a USCG Approved Type III PFD.
Beware of boat traffic. Our support boats will create a "lane" and ask you to stay on the north shoreline the entire paddle. If you venture farther than 50 feet from shore, please know our SUPport crew will remind you to move closer to shore for your own safety.
We will be paddling out and back, hugging the north shoreline both directions. Thus, we ask you to stay within close proximity of the shoreline at all times.
Tag us @getoutgirl @opgetoutorg

Questions? Contact info@operationgetout.org
All events are held rain or shine, unless weather is prohibitive. Refunds are not available, as this is a fundraising event. If you have the need to cancel, your registration will be utilized to sponsor a first responder, veteran or nurse into the event.