We look forward to seeing you for a fun day of golf and raising funds for childhood brain cancer, the deadliest disease of our nation's children!! Please see below for more details of the day's activities:
10:30AM-1:00PM Registration and optional putting contest
1:00PM Shotgun start with box lunch in cart
5:00PM Fun after party with refreshments and raffle prizes!!
"The Jordan Spieth Family Foundation is a proud supporter of the Carson Leslie Foundation. This group has found a way to transcend a personal loss of great magnitude and truly make an impact in this space. The JSFF is inspired by the CLF dedication to both patient enrichment and research. Annette has a very clear passion and commitment and through that has built a wonderful team around her. We are excited to continue our friendship with Carson Leslie Foundation."
JSFF is the exclusive sponsor of our WILDLY popular Under Armour Bacpack Project. Together, with JSFF, we provide Under Armour Backpacks to teen cancer patients filled with items for extended hospital stays when cared for at major institutions throughout the Lone Star State!
Travis Shearin & Carson Leslie, invaded by the same awful disease, medulloblastoma, the most common type of the #1 disease killer of children in the US (brain cancer).
CARSON ROBERT LESLIE July 6, 1992 - January 12, 2010

"I can either go around mad and sad, or go around living with the strength and courage that comes from God and from the people he puts around me." Carson was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a brain tumor at the age of 14 in 2006. He shared his fight against cancer in his book, Carry Me, which Carson hoped would offer encouragement and strength to other young cancer patients. He asked his family to make sure that researchers study the tumors in his brain, "because if those tumors can help some kid not die from cancer like I am, I'd like that, it's hard to have cancer."
The Carson Leslie Foundation was established in his memory.

Travis was diagnosed with medulloblastoma at the age of seven. At this tender young age, he underwent treatment at Children's Health, Dallas and we are happy to report Travis is currently finishing up his senior year at John Brown University, in Arkansas, where he will graduate with a degree in Business Management. Travis completed an internship at the Carson Leslie Foundation in the Summer of 2021 and readily agreed to serve as Honorary Chairman of Carson Leslie Foundation's Golf Tournament!
Carson and Travis, two valiant young medulloblastoma warriors and our inspiration for why we work tirelessly to fund medulloblastoma research and help kids fight cancer.
Executive Steering Committee:
Ben Appleby Patrick Glenn Craig Leslie Louis Sedita Joe Shearin

CLF’s Collaborative Mission
Encourage Kids in the Battle Mental Health Support | Childhood Brain Cancer Research #cureMEdullo | Awareness - Action